business analytics track trainees

Having a long-term perspective requires safeguarding legal compliance. The role of legal has evolved to ensure that the business can take business risks if this distinguishes us from competition.

We are, however, not willing to take non-business risks, as they could jeopardize the continuity of our business.

The legal team implements legal tools in the operating companies that lead to more transparent and fact-based decision making where there is a legal dimension (for example, related to contracting templates, code of conduct or proxy manuals). Additionally, the legal team provides expert and strategic advice to management, and its members join the project teams working on specific projects, such as investments and refinancing.

Example projects

  • Contracting procedures | Aritas – Istanbul (Turkey)

    Negotiating sales contracts and implementing a contracting process.

  • Product compliance | Formica North America – Cincinnati (US)

    Organizing product tests to support product warranties.

  • Acquisition opportunity | Broadview Holding – Den Bosch (NL)

    Analyzing the legal and business angles of an acquisition opportunity.

  • Managing a court case | Formica Asia – Shanghai (China)

    Gathering and organizing evidence for a court case.
